Thursday, May 13, 2010

Juta ( shoe ) no. 8

I am not into politics. (although i like discussing politics) But if Indian politics has plummeted to a level where we have the need to throw shoes (catharsis, thats what the psychologists call it) at our politicians (to be more specific; sports shoe, size 8), all I have to say is ‘what a pity!’

Politics, like any other profession is a noble profession. In fact, may be even more noble because it is answerable to every query the citizens of a country make. It can therefore afford no loopholes in the system and very strictly demands clean chit in whatever it does.
We all swear at the system but that is all we do. This blog is also an example of the same. And we are good at it too. We all know what is to be done. We all agree that we need the youth to revolutionarise the system. But all we actually do is sit back and let the country go to dogs-literally.
I have no plans to go into politics. I want a comfortable life ahead. I respect my country. But not at the cost of losing my comfort. I am selfish.
Many have struggled to gain independence. Good they either died a natural death, were assassinated or sentenced to death. They would have died even a more painful death had they witnessed the political scenario today. I am happy that they are not alive to see the fate of this country. These people at least died in a hope of better India. If I struggle for my country, i wouldn’t even be privileged to die in a hope of better India. I guarantee that my work will be short lived and I will carry it to my grave with me. And it will be all square to one.
True, i may inspire someone. But to inspire someone primarily demands utmost self dedication and trust in the job one does. Dedication-yes. Trust-no. Let’s accept this that I alone cannot ameliorate the situation. We need a whole lot of I’s to change the system. The problem with all the I’s is perhaps lack of trust (trust that yes I can do it and the situation is not as bad as the media projects it) and not the lack of dedication.
To vote for the right person is not a problem provided someone tells us who is the right person. The ones in the limelight are entangled in some or the other scandals. The remaining ones with transparent deeds are either turned down and tagged as inexperienced or do not come into focus at all and are drowned into the pompous shows of propaganda and campaigning. Money matters, huh?
We need to adopt a new way to decide whom to vote for. Tell them to reveal their sinister secrets instead of telling us their positive deeds-if any. The former will outweigh the latter one. And accordingly we will decide who is less corrupt. We all know where the money goes. We all know that the vote bank comes from a mob where an individual has his own brain to think, but collectively has no brain at all. Clearly, this is with respect to reservation.
This blog is dedicated to all those who plan to join Indian politics. I appreciate your guts to get throttled..

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